This can be applied to a person, so it appears that the person is talking, or sometimes at the beginning when creating a character. This is your most used event! You need this in every game. When you make an event "Show text.", you will add text to your game. In this step, we will be making some basic events to add to our game. You will walk around the map with the arrow keys. A window will pop up and you can select what monsters you will encounter in this map. Right click "MAP001" and select "Map Properties". The map size can be edited by "Map Properties" in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. The map is where everything happens in your game. a newspaper can be placed showing what is happening at the time of your game.) Tilesets are maps, and pictures can be inserted into your game (i.e. Battlebacks are where the player battles, battlers are the people who you fight with, Characters are who you walk around with (requires a proper format), Gameovers are what happens when the player loses the game, and Icons are what icon displays on weapons in the items part of the menu. If you have custom materials, put it in the proper place. In the materials section of the toolbar, you can upload pictures or icons you make to add to your game. Most of the other parts of the database are in this format, so look around, and add some custom weapons and items! Materials: On the right side, you can edit the element and the state your item leaves upon you or the enemies. In the middle, you can edit pre-made items, or the items you make. In the "Items" section, on the left side there is the place where you can add custom items, and a list of all the items added to your game by RPG Maker XP. Each one can have virtually limitless amounts of your created material. This is where you enter Weapons, Enemies, Animations, and Actors that are in your game. It has everything needed to make a wonderful RPG. These will be explained in further steps, but some of these are self explanatory, such as "Show text.", and "Show Choices." The Database: Select the first line of "List of Event Commands:" Another big window will pop up. People can be added to the map through the Events bar, under "Graphic:" Once you have selected a square, double-click it, and a whole window of things will pop up. First, select the square on which you want the event. Events will be on the top layer, or the blue cube on the interface. Events will be explained in further steps, but this will be an overview. The second and third layer are pretty much the same, so use them if two objects are two close together on one layer that it blocks the other out.Įvents are what makes the game work. DO NOT put other foliage on the first layer, because on the game, under the tree will be the color grey. This is usually ground or terrain on which the character walks. The first layer is what will be on the very bottom of the map. They look like this: The first three are sheets of paper with one orange sheet, and the fourth is a blue cube. In the RMXP face, there are four buttons. If you know about these features, please, skip ahead. This means you will learn about layers, events, the database, materials, and the map. In this step, you will learn the features of RMXP. Open the folder, and select the project under the name you gave in "Folder Name:" (See image below). Close down RPG Maker XP, or select File -> Open Project (Alliteratively Ctrl+O) and go to the folder RPGXP.
#Rpg xp maker tutorial how to#
Now that you have saved "RMXP Game Tutorial.", you need to now how to open it. Opening your saved game "RMXP Game Tutorial." Your game will be saved in the folder RPGXP in My Documents by itself, so it will be saved here for this tutorial. Navigate your mouse to File -> Save Project.
When ever I say save, and continue, do this step. Once you have your new project open, let's learn to save it. For this demonstration, make both "RMXP Game Tutorial." Saving your created game "RMXP Game Tutorial." A window will pop up, that shows what you want to name your project, and what you want the folder it to be saved in called.
It has a icon of paper with the edge folded over. To create a new game, navigate your mouse to File -> New Project. If you know how to do these things, or have a new game already open, skip this step. This step will be describing how to create a game, open your created game, and save the game you made.